Leading Matters #39 Michelle Huls Rice Founder Women’s Dreamvision Network
|Our guest today on Leading Matters is Michelle Huls Rice, who has an encouraging look at diversity and equality for women professionals and entrepreneurs. Michelle evaluates the reality of the career landscape that women are facing and helps them use their natural strengths to advance their careers or businesses.
Michelle Huls Rice is the Founder of the Women’s Dreamvision Network, which was created to help female entrepreneurs bring their ideas to life. Michelle also has more than a decade working in marketing and communications for the healthcare and higher education industries. If you weary of complicated issues such as diversity getting bullet point and click baiting headline treatment from the media, and believe there is much more to these issues you are going to love Michelle’s perspective. Rather than force diversity and equality for their own sake, Michelle invests time in understanding the value that diversity and equality deliver. She uses this expertise to help her clients, would be and first-time women entrepreneurs, tap into their passions in a way that can drive their business.
Treating Equality as an Asset Not a Checkmark
Media likes to boil down issues of equality and diversity into a simple conflict that generates clicks. Michelle explains how honest to goodness diversity brings powerful perspectives that help uncover new solutions to age-old problems
Women Seek and Can Drive Purpose
Women have dominated professions such as education, healthcare, and social work. Michelle believes this has to do with a woman’s desire for purpose. If we want greater female diversity in our workplace, we have to be serious about making the purpose of our company clear and well defined for our employees.
Perfection May Limit Growth
Michelle has experienced a curious trait of some of her clients. Perfection limits their opportunity.
Competing on Natural Strengths
Many of the new women entrepreneurs that Michelle helps are at it for the first time. They fear they lack the tangible experience that will highlight their abilities. The answer for them, Michelle believes, is hidden in the strengths that they have been exercising their entire lives even if it is in the way they have managed their household finances.
Our Passion has to be Connected to Purpose
One way that women can jumpstart their entrepreneurial efforts is to understand better the tangible value of what they are passionate about. Passion alone won’t do it. However, they must connect that passion to a marketable purpose.
Leaders Must Commit to Helping their Employees ID their strengths
We can sometimes, as leaders, get lost in the minutia of managing. We have to get to know our team members, their passions, their strengths so that we can help them progress in their current role and their career development.
Special Offer
Send an e-mail to Michelle at michelle@womensdreamvisionnetwork.com with JOEL in the subject line and receive her top 10 list to be seen as a leader in your workplace or as an entrepreneur.