Sales vs Marketing
|Just the other day I wrote about reasons why sales and marketing hate each other and what you can do about it. That same day I stumbled across one of Gary Vaynerchuk’s podcast offerings on the very same topic. It runs only five minutes in length, and it is worth the listen.
If you don’t have the time to listen here is a quick summary:
- It takes one home run for sales to sing marketing’s praises, but marketing is typically a sub .200 hitter in the eyes of sales.
Marketing can, at times, be a little full of itself and fluffy.
- Sales reps are in the trenches slugging it out every single day. Read that again marketing, read that again.
- Sales people are impatient, too transactional, and have no vested interest in the long term payoff. Read that again sales, read that again.
- Sales and marketing have to be aligned, and leadership must be responsible for ensuring they are.