#64 Ursula Ringham
|Social media experts, especially the self-proclaimed, are a dime a dozen. But what about those practitioners that are tirelessly and relentlessly experimenting, improving, and practically applying today’s latest and greatest advancements in media technology? Surely there is much to learn from them. Find out today by getting to know our guest for episode 64 of Leading Matters Ursula Ringham, Digital Marketing Director at SAP.
This episode should be a must listen for every leader of any company of any size. It should be offered every time there are questions over whether or not the company has the capacity to create more content and media. It should be played whenever fears arise over using new media platforms such as live video. Every organization needs an Ursula Ringham on their team to help explore, test and deploy new methods of media use.
Ursula walks through nearly every single element necessary for applying new media options to the very real business of awareness, marketing funnel activity, and sales pipeline. She explains how to evaluate media options, the best way to test things out, and how to find the budget to put what you find in practice.
You will be thankful that you listened to this episode and I want to encourage you to share it broadly. Ursula’s insight is that valuable and you will walk away with immediate actions that will help you improve your media game. What Ursula has done within the complex landscape of one of the largest software companies in the world, SAP, is easily repeatable but be warned the degree of success you will achieve will be directly related to your courage and willingness to introduce, defend, and apply new ideas.