Does Snapchat Matter to B2B?

Does Snapchat matter to B2B?  Especially when  Snapchat’s user base is predominantly used by the 14 to 34-year-old demographic? Take a ride on Cap’s Car Cast and find out.

does snap chat matter to b2bSnapchat matters for B2B because it is a natural story-telling platform and because it is without a doubt the most naturally engaging media platform that is available today.  Snapchat matters to B2B especially if the sales cycle is longer than a basic transaction because the engaging story telling capability of the Snapchat channel that a B2B company builds will help advance the ideology of the company in a way that predisposes their would-be customers to consider the use of the product or service from the perspective of that ideology.  Snapchat matters to B2B because it gives context to the personality and the identity of the brand.

And this is just scratching the surface.  Snapchat matters to B2B, but the only way to figure out how to best apply the tool is to start using it.

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