Leading Matters #37 Tim Sanders Author and Keynote Speaker

Our guest on this episode of Leading Matters is Tim Sanders, the Author of the new book Dealstorming: the Secret Weapon That Can Solve Your Toughest Sales Challenges. The book covers how to increase collaboration to drive a complex deal cycle, and does so with a keen eye on company culture.

If your sales cycle is longer than say eight weeks you should go pick up Tim’s book. That is if you are looking for help in structuring more intelligent and aggressive tactics that get you out ahead of your buyers. But there is so much more to discover in Tim’s work, and that is what we discuss in this 30-minute interview. You’ll hear how a culture of collaboration is built, how it must be used to improve the way you bring talent into the organization, the importance of culture in making meaningful collaboration a reality, and the risk of keeping our demand generating content marketing focused on the top of the funnel.


Harnessing Genius
Complex deals demand that we get the input and perspective from many of our peers. Tim breaks down what Dealstorming is all about and how to create it in your organization.

Sales Is Getting Harder Not Easier
We live under this mistaken belief that selling should be getting easier when in fact it is getting more tim-sanders-on-leading-matterschallenging. Tim makes the case with a simple analogy (Donkey Kong anyone?), and underscores why it is critical to match the sophisticated buyer with a sophisticated sales process.

The SaaS Bubble is Real
The dream of SaaS becomes more of a dream ever day. Freemium to Premium is certainly a model that has merit, but does it have sustainability?

How Do We Create A Dealstorming Culture?
We have to understand that the talent we need is talent that is naturally disposed to helping out in areas that exist outside their job description. Lone wolf big gun sales reps probably don’t wander outside of their comfort zone too frequently so we should be wary of adding them to our team.

How Do We Motivate and Drive Collaboration?
By focusing on the purpose of what we are setting out to do as a company, we increase engagement across the company and nurture collaborators to raise their hand and help close that big can’t-afford-to-lose deal.

Tim’s Book on Amazon: Dealstorming The Secret Weapon That Can Solve Your Toughest Sales Challenges
Free Chaper: www.dealstorming.net/free

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