Leading Matters #49 JV Crum III

JV Crum III is a successful business coach and trainer focusing on small businesses that are looking for breakout growth. His practice is focused on increasing awareness at three levels, and he shares what those three levels are when he was my guest on Leading Matters.


Why the Coaching Industry is Growing 
JV has been at the coaching game for a while so he knows what works, what doesn’t, and what to be wary jv-crum-iiiof.

Success Demands Fit
There is something to be said for the chemistry or fit across a team. Good leaders know that fit matters, but it is a complicated practice to determine fit. JV lays out his approach for how he determines if a working relationship will be mutually beneficial.

Time to Kill Same ‘ol Same ‘ol
Go to college, get a job, patiently climb the ladder. It is as antiquated as it sounds, but the vast majority in the United States are still relying on that gameplan. There are alternatives.

Don’t Have Goals Have Commitments
Goal setting can allow the language of ‘maybe’ into our efforts. Commitment leaves no rome for maybe.

Awareness is More Than a Buzzword
Eliminate the temptation that the idea of awareness is just the latest buzzword that you are being sold on. It matters, it is evolutionary, and it can unlock steady and consistent growth.

Get JV’s book, The Conscious Millionaire, for free (www.consciousmillionaire.com/freebook)

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