Leading Matters FRAMED #63: Tapping Into Power of Emotion

Introducing the first episode of Leading Matters FRAMED.  I think you will find the premise both interesting and engaging; take the most recent full interview episode of Leading Matters and pull out one specific powerful topic to pay attention to.

Today we frame up episode 62 which was my interview with Craig Ballantyne, and you are going to absolutely love this closer look at how Craig communicated during our conversation.  You’ll hear how Craig comes out of the gate with a more general and scripted description of what he does and who he does it for.  And hear how he quickly switches gears to offer a more dramatic telling of how his expertise impacts both he and his clients.  And finally the seemingly effortless manner in which Craig connects the emotional with very real practical examples that would help anyone listening take immediate action.

Craig Ballantyne is someone to pay attention to, and this episode of Leading Matters FRAMED is a lesson well worth considering.

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