Product Marketing: Is My Readerless Blog Worth Anything?

Maximize the return on zero traffic

Recently I delivered a talk to business leaders in the Philadelphia area on how to best leverage social media tools to impact their sales activity. It was a very broad discussion focusing on, mostly, how to approach and consider today’s socially oriented communication platforms so that an appropriate perspective on how best to leverage them can be established. In the second half of the discussion, however, I tried to offer my audience with some tangible examples of how they can immediately apply use of the tools and gain immediate value from their efforts.

One such tool that is able to deliver such value is a blog.

At this point blogging is obviously nothing new, and there are multiple reasons for keeping a blog. What I emptyfind, however, is that much attention on blogs is placed on readership. What then, is the benefit of a blog if no one is reading it? Well in the business to business sales world the benefit is significant. In effect what the blog does is create a sales tool that increases top of funnel sales activity. The blog creates a reason to continuously, genuinely and valuably reach into the most important named accounts.

How? By using the blog to write stories that rest upon the foundation of your well crafted and disciplined message of value to your customer.

Here is this particular portion of the discussion. I hope this gives you some new ideas, and please let me know if you have experiences of your own to offer that would add to the conversation.

photo credit: Max Wolfe

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